Losing Your Voice
We all hear, often, the topic of finding your voice. Your vision. The YOU of your art. But what happens when you lose it? Did I ever really have it? Was I just a fraud? Using someone else’s vision as my own? Am I just changing? Growing? I know I should say growth is good, it’s why I love photography. But should my voice not still exist? If so is it just hidden away, waiting to come back out when I’ve found my way? Or will it be a new voice, a new vision. A new me? If so what happens to the old me?
These are all questions I’ve been asking myself over and over the last couple years. Feeling like I’m constantly being pulled in different directions but never being happy with the outcome. Until It hit me. I’m not happy with it because it was never the direction I wanted to be going. Even from the beginning I said I didn’t enjoy taking family portraits yet I found myself pulled into it. Don’t get me wrong, If you come to me, and ask me to photograph you, or an event, or even a product. I’m happy to do it. It will bring me so much joy, and I’ll do it with pride. But its not the direct focus of my photography.
The real truth is I love photography for the passion and joy it brings me. And aiming my entire passion in a direction I don’t like was inevitably going to end up in failure. Especially for someone like me who is very passion driven. (ADHDer here). And while the most common ways of a career in photography are running business and offering your services through freelance. I’ve decided to make my own path. And while I’d love to say I’ve found it and have found success with it. I’m not there yet. But I know pretending isn’t going to work for me.
So then What’s my Goal?
Well I guess that’s to follow the passion. And share it as raw as I can. The why’s and wants, the tips and tricks, the highs and the lows. Because it is a Journey.
I want to use my photography as a voice for others to follow their passions. That’s really what lead me to love it. Sharing and inspiring. And that’s what I hope to continue here. So I hope you’ll join me. Its been 8 years and now I kind of feel like I’m at the beginning again. Not in skill level. But in finding a new path forward.